
Showing posts from January, 2021



  ELECTRO STATICS electro statics small summary of the topic Electrostatics, as the name implies, is the study of stationary electric charges. A rod of plastic rubbed with fur or a rod of glass rubbed with silk will attract small pieces of paper and is said to be electrically charged. The charge on plastic rubbed with fur is defined as negative, and the charge on glass rubbed with silk is defined as positive. Electric charge Electrically charged objects have several important characteristics: Like charges repel one another; that is, positive repels positive and negative repels negative. Unlike charges attract each another; that is, positive attracts negative. Charge is conserved. A neutral object has no net charge. If the plastic rod and fur are initially neutral, when the rod becomes charged by the fur, a negative charge is transferred from the fur to the rod. The net negative charge on the rod is equal to the net positive charge on the fur. ...

Semi conductor electronics

  SEMI CONDUCTOR ELECTRONICS Brief summary: Semiconductor Basics If resistors are the most basic passive component in electrical or electronic circuits, then we have to consider the Signal Diode as being the most basic active component. However, unlike a resistor, a diode doesn't behave linearly with reference to the applied voltage because it has an exponential I-V relationship and thus can't be described simply by using Ohm’s law as we do for resistors. Diodes are basic unidirectional semiconductor devices that will only allow current to flow through them in one direction only, acting more like a one way electrical valve, (Forward Biased Condition). But, before we've a glance at how signal or power diodes work we first got to understand the semiconductors basic construction and concept. Diodes are made from a single piece of Semiconductor material which has a positive “P-region” at one end and a negative “N-region” at the other, and which has a resistivity  value some...


                    OPTICS Optics is one among the branches of physics which deals with Study of light It explains about the behavior and properties of light. Optics is subdivided into two branches. Ray Optics and wave Optics Because light has dual nature. Light can be considered as a ray or it can be considered as a wave. The study of Optics also includes the construction of some Optical instruments and it Describes the behavior of visible light , Ultraviolet , And infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave. Other sorts of electromagnetic wave like x-rays microwaves and radio waves exhibit similar properties. The study of optical science Is relevant to Some of the other studies including astronomy, various engineering fields, Photography And Medicine field like Ophthalmology and optometry. Also Optics include some practical applications We found in variety of Technologies In our daily to day life Including mirrors,...

Magnetic effects of electric current

  Magnetic effects of electric current Brief summary: Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Properties of magnet: A free suspended magnet always point towards north and south direction. The pole of a magnet which points toward north direction is named North Pole or north seeking. The pole of a magnet which points toward south direction is named South Pole or south seeking. Like poles of magnets repel each other while unlike poles of magnets attract each other. Similar to other effects; current also produces magnetic effect. The magnetic effect of electrical current is understood as electromagnetic effect. It is observed that when a compass is brought near a current carrying conductor the needle of compass gets deflected due to flow of electricity. This shows that electric current produces a magnetic effect. The imaginary lines of magnetic flux around a magnet are called line of force or line of force of magnet. When iron fillings are allowed to settle around a magnet , they get a...

Electro magnetic wave

  ELECTRO MAGNETIC WAVE Summary: The term electromagnetism could also be a blanket term for all possible kinds of interactions which can exist between electric charges. Electricity and magnetism are related phenomena, however when… charges are at rest the phenomena are generally described as electric or electrostatic The source of all electric phenomena is electrical charge. charges are in motion and thus the magnitude of this is constant the phenomena are generally described as magnetic or magnetostatic The source of all magnetic phenomena is moving charge . charges are in motion and thus the magnitude of this is varying with time the phenomena are generally described as electromagnetic The source of all electromagnetic phenomena is accelerating charge . Forces Charged objects exert electric forces on one another (sometimes called electrostatic forces). This is the principle behind static cling and why electrons are bound to the nucleus of an atom. Magnets exert magnetic force...


  ELECTRO MAGNETIC INDUCTION Summary: Electromagnetic induction is that the method of generating current with a magnetic flux . It occurs whenever a magnetic flux and an electrical conductor, sort of a coil of wire, move relative to a minimum of each other . As long because the conductor may be a component of a loop , current will flow through it whenever it crosses lines of force within the magnetic flux . The Current Produced by a Magnet The device with the pointer in an ammeter. It measures this that flows through the wire. The faster the magnet or coil moves, the greater the number of current that's produced. If more turns were added to the coil or a stronger magnet were used, this is often ready to produce more current also . The direction of this that's generated by a moving magnet are often understood as, If the magnet is moved back and forth repeatedly, this keeps changing direction. In other words, AC (AC) is produced. AC is electrical current that keeps reversing...


  DUAL NATURE OF MATTER Brief summary: Dual nature of matter is a crucial concept in JEE physics and is essentially the study of various nature that a matter possesses or exhibits. A matter can either display or have a particle nature or wave nature. Various experiments have further been conducted to prove this theory. Initially, the properties of matter or light were explained in terms of its particle nature. of sunshine |scientific theory"> corpuscular theory of light of light, etc. were a number of the primitive steps that influenced this. Later on, it had been experimentally acknowledged that matter does possess the properties of a wave. Hence, the matter is claimed to possess dual nature, i.e., it's both the properties of a particle and also as a wave. Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetism and Hertz experiments on the generation and detection of electromagnetic waves in 1887 strongly established the wave nature of sunshine . Thus, the duality is a crucial concept ...


        ELECTRIC CURRENT   small summary Electric current definition: An electric current may be a flow of electrical charge during a circuit. More specifically, the electrical current is that the rate of charge flow past a given point in an electrical circuit. The charge are often charged electrons or charge carriers including protons, positive ions or holes. The magnitude of the electrical current is measured in coulombs per second, the common unit for this being the Ampere or amp which is designated by the letter ‘A’. The Ampere or amp is widely used within electrical and electronic technology along side the multipliers like milliamp (0.001A), microamp (0.000001A), then forth. Current flow during a circuit is generally designated by the letter ‘I’, and this letter is employed in equations like Ohms law where V=I⋅R. What is electric current: the fundamentals The basic concept of current is that it's the movement of electrons within a substance. Electr...


    COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Brief summary: The communication system may be a system which describes the knowledge exchange between two points. the method of transmission and reception of data is named communication. the main elements of communication are the Transmitter of data , Channel or medium of communication and therefore the Receiver of data . Types Of Communication Systems Depending on Signal specification or technology, the communication system is assessed as follows: (1) Analog Analog technology communicates data as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude. Broadcast and telephone transmission are common samples of Analog technology. (2) Digital In digital technology, the info are generated and processed in two states: High (represented as 1) and Low (represented as 0). Digital technology stores and transmits data within the sort of 1s and 0s. Depending on the channel , the communication system is categorized as follows: 1. Wired (Line communication) Par...

Atoms and Nucleus

            ATOMS AND NUCLEUS brief summary The nucleus (plural, nuclei) may be a charged region at the middle of the atom. It consists of two sorts of subatomic particles packed tightly together. The particles are protons, which have a positive charge , and neutrons, which are neutral in charge . Outside of the nucleus, an atom is usually empty space, with orbiting negative particles called electrons whizzing through it. Size and Mass of the Nucleus The nucleus of the atom is extremely small. Its radius is merely about 1/100,000 of the entire radius of the atom. If an atom were the dimensions of a stadium , the nucleus would be about the dimensions of a pea! Electrons have virtually no mass, but protons and neutrons have tons of mass for his or her size. As a result, the nucleus has virtually all the mass of an atom. Given its great mass and tiny size, the nucleus is extremely dense. If an object the dimensions of a penny had an equivalent density be...


       OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES Brief summary: Wave Motion The easiest wave to visualize is a water wave. When a pebble is dropped in a calm pool of water, ripples travel out from the point where the pebble enters the water. The disturbance travels out from the center of the pattern, but the water does not travel with the wave. Mechanical waves—such as water waves, waves on a rope, waves in a spring, and sound waves—have two general characteristics: A disturbance is in some identifiable medium. Energy is transmitted from place to place, but the medium does not travel between two places. For the sake of simplicity, idealized one‐dimensional waves on a rope and two‐dimensional water surface waves with no friction‐like forces provide the wave model. For ease of analysis, a pulse that is a single short wave will be used to illustrate wave characteristics that also hold true for more complex waves. Transverse and longitudinal waves A pulse travels on a string. As the pu...